Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms

Way late to the party

Caren White
3 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by Fine Photographics on Unsplash

Joey, Joey, Joey. This is EXACTLY why I said that you were too old to run for re-election. It’s not just the physical and cognitive things. It’s the “still living in the 20th century thing” too. Now you announce Supreme Court reform?

You created a commissions in 2021 to examine court reform. It resulted in a 288-page report on the issues that you are just now getting around to trying to implement.

Joey, that’s 20th century time. It’s now the 21st century where events and even commissions go much, much faster. Take a look at what has happened since that ill-fated commission: SCOTUS has blocked sensible gun control laws, eliminated affirmative action in college admissions, and overturned Roe v. Wade.

Meanwhile, you’ve been puttering around the Oval Office, figuring on winning a second term and then implementing the reforms suggested by your commission.

What is it they say about the best laid plans?

So let’s take a look at Joey’s plan to reform the Supreme Court. It’s actually not bad. Too late, but not bad.

Term Limits

No more lifetime appointments. Justices will be limited to 18-year terms. The terms would be staggered so that a president would only be able to appoint one justice…



Caren White

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite