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Fourth Republican Primary Debate Recap
Why do I even bother?
So, let’s talk about the fourth in what feels like an interminable series of Republican primary debates. I hear ya. You don’t want to hear about another one. Neither do I, but we gotta do this cuz if something happens to the Orange Menace, one of these jokers could end up as the Republican nominee.
And then all of the anguished handwringing about Biden’s age and ability to beat would-be dictator Trump would all be for naught.
You know that I just had to get that in there, right?
Okay, back to the main event. Right off the bat, I noticed something weird about DeSantis. Unlike the other debaters who were leaning with their hands on their lecterns, DeSantis was standing a good two feet away from his lectern, wondering what to do with his hands.
When he spoke, in answer to a question or to hurl an accusation at another debater, he stepped up to his lectern and placed his hands on it. When he was finished speaking or hurling … not that kind of hurling … he stepped away from his lectern and began fidgeting with his hands again.
And then there was that weird head twitching. He kept rolling his head and neck as if he were trying to work out a crick.