Harris is Losing Black and Hispanic Voters
She can’t afford to lose either group
Oh, hey. Didn’t expect to see you here. Actually didn’t expect to see anyone here. Which is kinda a relief after the brutal attacks I have endured just for expressing my opinion. I was surprised … maybe dismayed is a better word … at the savagery of the attacks from my own people. Ya know, liberals, big tent and all that. Except if you disagree with them apparently. Then you are a Trump supporter and a racist.
Hadda block two commenters who called me a racist cuz I don’t support Harris. I don’t mind people disagreeing with me, but calling me filthy names is a bridge too far. They got blocked.
Well, it’s time to strap on my armor and deliver some more bad news about Harris’ lackluster campaign. Let’s start with the latest polls which show Harris and Trump neck — 48% to 48%. Really kinda meaningless. Same reading we’ve seen since Harris joined the race. All of her “leads” fell within the margin of error so they were ties, not leads. I’ll get excited when she has a meaningful lead over Trump. Ya know, one that’s well outside the margin of error.
Now for the really bad news. Harris is bleeding support from two groups that have always been reliably Democratic and helped Biden win in 2020, namely Blacks and Hispanics. Let’s look at the…