I have already thought deeply about all of your points. Here are my conclutions:
1. The largest share of the so-called tax breaks went to large corporations and wealthy individuals. The tiny tax breaks for the rest of us were only for a few years and then our taxes were scheduled to INCREASE. You gotta read the fine print, John.
2. Trump's own misogyny and racism encouraged people who normally hid those tendencies and allowed them to discriminate MORE and MORE openly against women and minorities, including in the workplace.
3. We are still energy independent and remain a NET EXPORTER of energy. We haven't been dependent on anyone else for energy for decades. Have you not been paying attention?
4. Illegal aliens are not entitled to welfare or health insurance or any other entitlements. I know people who are here illegally, do you?
5. Yes, Trump reduced the numbers employees of agencies that Americans depended on so much, that they have extreme difficulty accessing services to which they are entitled and have paid for. And the IRS is so understaffed, that people cannot get basic questions about their income taxes answered. No one except you sees that as a plus.
The left wing of the Demcratic party has been trying unsuccessfully to drag the US into the modern world on a par with other wealthy countries who are healthier, wealthier and live far longer than we do.
That's the world that I want to live in, not your medivel world.