I use men's razors and don't buy any clothing that requires dry cleaning. I'm just irked that I have to do it. If you read the article I linked on the pink tax, you will see that people in Congress have introduced bills to outlaw the pink tax and they have all been defeated.
I think I need to revise my article a bit. What seems to be bothering me is that the Biden administration is celebrating their low pay gap. I might have been able to stomach it if instead they had said something like we tried to level the playing field and failed, but we will continue to try for parity. But instead they are celebrating their low number.
That's a very male thing to do; telling women that they should be happy with any progress no matter how big or small.
Just think for a moment if the situation were reversed. Would men be happy about a narrowing pay gap if they were the ones earning less? No, of course not. So why should we as women be expected to be happy about it?