John, you have no idea who you are talking to. Accusing me of keftist knee-jerk reactions or leftist talking snippets is so far from the truth. My friends will tell you that I research everything to death. I don't let anyone tell me how to think. Including you.
Let's talk abortion for a moment. You're right, you're not a woman so you have no idea what happens when you become pregnant. The moment that embryo implants in the wall of the uterus, major hormonal shifts start happening. That maternal instinct that you hear about? It's part of that hormonal shift. Suddenly you will do anything to protect that baby. It's a really, really primal urge. So the decision to terminate a pregnancy is gut-wrenching. It's not an easy decision. Every fiber of your being is screaming at you not to do it.. I know a woman who was deeply depressed for a year after having an abortion. She would sob uncontrollably every time she saw a baby in a stroller. I only know one woman who has used abortion as a form of birth control. And she is a conservative and anti-abortion just like you. She can't seem to grasp the hypocrisy of her anti-abortion position and her use of the procedure to take care of all of those inconvenient pregnancies. But I have found that to be common among conservatives. They have a double standard.: one set of very lenient rules for themselves and a second set of very strict rules for everyone else.
Trump did not bring us prosperity. He increased the national debt more than any other president in our history. Go ahead, look it up. I did.
We were energy independent for years before Trump was president. Go ahead, look it up. I did.
Our southern border hasn't been thrown open to everyone. People are still being turned away. Look it up. I did.
The border patrol is being overwhelmed by the sheer number of immigrants trying to enter the country due to poverty and climate change, things that neither Biden nor Trump can control. Look it up. I did.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Biden is in office because people wanted Trump gone. Millions of voters freely admit that they didn't vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. Biden was the lesser of two evils.
Also bad news, those courts that ruled against Trump or refused to hear his lawsuits? Most of those judges, including the Supreme Court, were appointed by Trump. Go ahead, look it up. I did. So it wasn't a Democratic conspriacy. It was Trump appointed judges doing their jobs.
OMG! I can't believe you are using a rapist as an example. No one threatened to burn down Kavanaugh's house. No one threatened his family. Him, yes. His family, no. And it wasn't just Kavanaugh. All of the SCOTUS judges who voted for Dobbs were harassed because it was a bad decision that took away rights from more than half the population.
Speaking of the Supreme Court, everyone's favorite self-hater wants to make contraceptives, gay marriage and affirmative action illegal. Care to comment on why he is okay with inter-racial marriage which was illegal until until the Loving decision? Sounds a tad bit hypocritical to me.