MAGA Morons Claim That Democrats Allow Illegal Immigrants to Vote

There is actually a grain of truth in there

Caren White
3 min readAug 19, 2024


Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash

Have you heard the latest MAGA moron voting conspiracy theory? They claim that the Democrats are encouraging illegal immigration so that the migrants will vote for Democratic candidates. In fact, they say it’s already happening. Illegal migrants, in addition to being put up in luxury hotels, receiving free healthcare, and, of course, receiving welfare and food stamps, are now voting in our elections.

Wait a sec. Before you start blowing a gasket, like most rumors, there is a grain of truth here. In some Blue municipalities, migrants, regardless of status, are being given the right to vote in local elections. The thinking is that these migrants are paying local taxes so they should be given a say in what happens in their communities.

This is legal. What’s not legal is allowing non-citizens to vote in federal elections. So, local elections yes. State and federal elections, no. They can vote for the president of the schoolboard but not the president of the United States.

MAGA morons have twisted this into Democrats deliberately encouraging illegal migration to create more Democratic voters.



Caren White

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite