My Top 2 Picks For VP

Caren White
5 min readJun 13, 2020
Photo by Wokandapix on Pixabay

There’s been a lot of speculation about who Joe Biden will choose for his Vice President. His choice is critical because of his age. If he wins the election, he will be 78 in January 2021. That would make him the oldest president ever sworn in. He is currently healthy, but there is still the possibility that he will die or become incapacitated during his first term. Whoever he chooses as vice president needs to be capable of being president from Day One. The presidency is not a position where you can learn on the job as the current administration has so painfully demonstrated.

While everyone was thrilled when Biden committed to choosing a woman, he is now being pressured to specifically choose a Black woman. The reasoning is that he clinched the nomination thanks to the support of Black voters. Another pressing reason is the protests calling for the elimination of systemic racism. It is even more critical now in many people’s eyes that Biden choose a Black VP to keep the Black community engaged and Black voters motivated to go to the polls in November.

There have been many smart, capable Black woman candidates suggested, however many of them lack the foreign policy experience that is critical to both the VP and president roles. The vice president often must stand in for the president in foreign affairs, especially with our allies. It is my opinion that a President Biden will work…



Caren White

Top Writer in Politics and Government. I always speak my mind. Follow me on Mastodon @carenawhite