Okay, how about this. I worked for too many years at a job where I was the only woman in the department. The men were openly hostile towards me because they didn’t believe a woman should be in that particular profession. I couldn’t complain to management because they encouraged the hostility. At one point, I stopped engaging with my harassers except to greet them in the morning and answer any questions they asked me. I literally did not speak unless spoken to. My fellow employees complained and I was written up because my silence was creating a hostile work environment for the men.
So, according to you, these men should not be served in any store or restaurant because of their open hostility towards women. I think we both know that that is untenable.
And that’s the problem. Once you discriminate against one group, you open the door to discrimination against all groups. Pretty soon we become a siloed society where people are only allowed to shop and eat according to their beliefs.